
Fahad Usmani,PMP
Product Scope and Project Scope


Project scope depends entirely on the product scope. You must understand the product scope to define the project scope. These are the most important concepts in project management. I have noticed that many professionals incorrectly use these terms synonymously.


None of the answers met the asker’s expectations, and honestly, the query was left unanswered.

这是一个论坛的主要缺点之一:you cannot identify the correct answer. It is possible that you may accept any wrong answer that fits with what you already believe. Forums are good for reading lessons learned and other stories but not good for getting your technical questions clarified.

So, I decided to write a blog post on project scope and product scope.

Before starting the discussion, let’s make sure we understand the terms product, project, and scope.

What is a Product?

The PMBOK Guide sixth edition defines a product as an artifact or a quantifiable that can either be an end item in itself or a component item. These items are also called materials or goods.

In other words, a product is defined as a substance or article produced during a natural, chemical, or manufacturing process. You can characterize a product in many ways, such as by its physical properties and chemical properties.

For example, if a computer is the product, its characteristics are its processor, screen size, memory, and hard disk.

What is a Project?


The first half of the definition says the nature of the project is temporary. This means that once you deliver the output,您的项目will cease to exist because you’ve achieved the objective.


What is Scope?

A scope can be defined as the range, detail, or boundary of a term it is attached to. The word scope is not always standalone; it is used as a suffix or a prefix of another term.

If used with the term product, it means the details of the product, or when used with the project, it means the details of the project.


Product Scope




However, for services, the product scope will give you details on the tasks and responsibilities of the person who will deliver.


How to Determine the Product Scope



Make sure that none of the requirements are left out during this process, as adding more towards the end of the project can be costly. A slight change in the product scope can cost you a lot more money than an initial change in the project scope statement. The product scope should be well defined because the project scope is defined according to the product scope.

The product scope is what binds you and your organization to the user who will use the product. You should make every effort to get these specifications exact and complete.



项目范围定义了产品的要求及其创建所需的工作。这也定义了范围内外的内容,这可以帮助您避免scope creep

According to the PMBOK Guide, sixth edition, the project scope is the work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions.

The project scope statement explains the expected result and along with the约束和假设。这有助于实现产品范围。项目范围也称为范围范围或工作声明。


How to Determine the Project Scope

The project manager defines the project scope, which depends on many factors.


However, this isn’t always the case. Let’s consider another case.



Likewise, there might be several factors that determine the project scope, such as the client asking you to do everything on their behalf.

A well-written scope statement makes the life of a project manager much more comfortable, and the project will be completed with fewer obstacles. Project scope is an agreement between you and the client or your或者ganization

Project scope binds you and your project team to your organization; therefore, it should be very lucid and detailed. This document must be completed at an early stage of the project. An effective scope statement is necessary to guide a project to successful completion.

Determining the project scope is the first step in establishing the project’s schedule, budget, and resource allocation. Project management plans are made after the project scope is defined.

I hope that now you understand the product scope and project scope.

Now it is time to explain these concepts to you with our trademark school building example.


You get a project to construct a school building. The client gives you their requirements, such as the size of the building, number of rooms, details of the playground, number of toilets, and paint color.


After developing and approving the plan, you gather the team and move on to the execution phase. You bring workers to the site and start construction. You complete the school building and then verify with the client whether it is as per their requirements.

Once the client is satisfied, you hand the school building over to them, get the final payment, and the project is closed.



In the second part, you construct the school building within the specified time and budget, meeting all the client’s requirements. Lastly, you deliver the product. In this part, the work you have done to construct the school building is the “project scope.”

How Product Scope and Project Scope are Monitored and Controlled


这也有助于管理变更的产品with the配置管理计划


The Difference Between Project Scope and Product Scope


  • 项目范围是提供产品的工作,而产品范围是产品的所有功能和特征的总和。
  • Product scope is oriented towards the “what” (functional requirements), while project scope is oriented towards the “how” (work-related).
  • Product scope is defined by the business analyst, though the project manager may have a role. The project scope is totally defined by the project manager.
  • An example of the project scope is constructing a bridge, while its product scope might be its technical specifications such as length, width, and the amount of load it has to withstand.




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Speak Your Mind

  • Working in defined contract (maintenance) that may seem repetitive. I found that one has to deliver much more on the product scope which is where the emphasis is on, the scope is having to manage the output in such a way that less intimidates the stakeholders. I found that the client is less concerned/involved on the project scope but more on the product scope. Through this i have gotten more insight in being the “real” project manager & informing the client a bit more by pronanly take they lead as they also form the investor & maybe sensitive to hidden costs

  • 我的问题是,在特定项目中,项目范围和产品范围是否可以重合或总是不同?

  • 如果产品是手机,产品范围和项目范围将是什么?

    and again what is in scope and out of scope

    • 产品范围可以是其功能,例如屏幕尺寸,内存侧,进程和项目范围与您将如何制作有关。

  • 尽管如此,我相信,考虑并采用适当的指导,我保证了基于获得的知识,我的理解将是清晰而有意义的。

    Thanking you so much .


  • I was the one that asked that question a few years ago in a PMP forum at LinkedIn. Thank you for your the explanation Fahad.

  • Please tell me the ans of following question

  • Dear

    does PMBOk 5th edition define the project scope as a statement of work or scope statement ?

    • Statement of work include business need of the project, product scope, and strategic need of the project.

      The project scope statement includes project description, assumptions, constraints, and major deliverables.

  • “项目范围是提供产品的工作,产品是项目的最终结果。”

    Can you give me some example of ecommerce website project scope ? i’m really confuse here . For example : Website ABC have product scope : multi language , exchange currency , rss feed , advertisement , trendy design , Impressive of product display , Effective search approaches ,Sociable network connection , Protective for all information including all document….

    那么这里的项目范围是什么?我需要建立一个网站的所有内容?我的意思是,我是否必须列出所有满足这些功能的活动?例如:整合货币兑换,整合社交API,开发多种语言功能,平坦的设计(它们需要时尚设计)。或者,我只是在高级项目范围内提供:在实时环境中托管网站,开发满足需求的功能,设计遵循要求,测试和支持UAT,交换以支持…。像那样 。

    Please specify your answer here , i appreciate it a lots. Please help with more examples. .

  • 出色的解释,我相信项目范围和产品范围现在掌握在我手中,非常感谢您,非常好的例子,我读了您的榜样并理解所有情况。非常佩服这些信息。再次感谢 !!!!

  • 您能解释要求与产品或产品范围之间的需求与需求之间的差异吗?




  • Hi Fahad,

    谢谢你的解释,更nse now. Reading the example above it is evident that first the product scope should be clear and only then the PM can define the project scope. Once the product scope is clearly defined and we start with project scope or the statement of work (each company has its own defined way to lead it); would I be correct in thinking of the Project Scope to be a combined package of:
    - RACI或任何等效文件
    – Budget and Estimation sheet
    – Governance structure

  • How do we define the difference between

    Product Scope Verification and Project Scope Verification? Which Process groups each of them get verified in?

    • Product scope verification will be performed under ‘Validate Scope’ process and ‘Close Project or Phase’ process.

      Output of ‘Validate Scope’ process is Accepted Deliverables, which is an input for the

      Output of ‘Close Project or phase’ process is a ‘Final Product’.

      Regarding the Project Scope Verification, it is measured against the Project Management Plan.

  • 感谢您的详细信息 -
    Questions.1) – why it is important for pmp to learn about products management while exam is about project management?
    Questions.2) – can we have questions on product management in exams?
    问题3) - 您是指PMBOK3或PMBOK4吗?

    • Answer. 1) As a project manager you should know about the product management in brief. Product management is not very important for the PMP exam.
      Answer.2) There is a very less chance that you will see a question about the product management in your PMP exam; however, be prepared.

      • 项目管理的目的是在各种参数的指定范围内生产产品,例如示波时间,成本,质量等,从而使客户满意(买家)。实际上,产品是项目管理的输出。要了解效用,有效性是您可以意识到正在生产的东西。

      • 亲爱的法哈德,
        I intend to appear in PMP Exam in December, 2015. So my question is that can I depend on your blog posts to clear my concepts. I mean that now the exam would be from 5th edition while your blog posts are covering 4th edition. And let me acknowledge it that your explanation makes the concepts crystal clear. I really loved reading your blog posts.

        • 据我所知,我的所有博客文章都与PMBOK指南的第五版保持一致。bob手机客户端

          If you see any blog post not aligned with it, let me know.

          • sir what about edition 6? though i have seen you have edited majority of the notes according to 6th edition too…i was about to sit for pmp exam but my mock scores were only 50% , i have to score 70+ in order to clear the exam right? your notes are amazing , so easy to understand unlike other study materials… thankyou for creating this blog.. sir can u plz give some tips to clear the exam , like i have 10 -15 days left to appear now and considering my score , are there any chances ?:(

            • Your score is poor, I would suggest you read the PMP exam reference and the PMBOK thoroughly and then practice some questions.

    • Let’s wait for PMBOK V 5, it is scheduled to be issued until this year’s end, there are some distinct modifications.

      • 正确的。



  • Related to the statement under Product Scope heading: “It is the outcome of the project”. ”
    This is very interpretable. Let me cite the PRINCE2 methodology manual “Managing successful projects with PRINCE2” , page 21-22, on the outcome of the project:
    4.2.2 Outputs, outcomes and benefits
    • An outcome is the result of the change derived from using the project’s outputs


    Benefits: Costs are reduced by 10%, volume
    increased by 10% annually.


  • {“电子邮件”:“电子邮件地址无效”,“ url”:“网站地址无效”,“必需”:“必需字段丢失”}

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