



Since these processes are connected and work in coordination, many professionals, especially those working in small and medium sized organizations, do not understand their differences.

这让我想起了一个交互在my ISO 9001 training course a few years back. I met with many professionals involved in quality management. These people were all from different backgrounds and were working in various fields.


他回答说,他四处走走,看到一切都按计划进行,请检查物品是否正确,他会采取正确的态度corrective actionif there are any deviations from the specifications.

I said okay, that takes care of the quality control part of your job, but what about quality assurance?


它经常发生,专业人士的工作QA or QC or QA/QC engineer are not aware of their job responsibilities, even though the difference between the responsibilities of quality assurance and quality control functions is clear.

This issue is prevalent in small or medium-sized organizations where they usually do not have the resources to hire QA and QC engineers separately.



What is Quality?

菲利普·B·克罗斯比(Philip B.

根据ISO 8402:1996 - 质量管理和质量保证词汇标准,“质量是产品或服务的全部特征和特征,它具有满足既定或暗示需求的能力。”

According to ISO 9000:2000 – Set of International Quality Standards and Guidelines for Quality Management Systems, “Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent (existing) characteristics fulfills requirements.”



Quality Assurance

quality assurance


Quality assurance is a process-based approach; its primary objective is to prevent defects in deliverables in the planning stage to avoid rework, which is always expensive.

这是一个积极主动的过程;它强调planning, documenting, and finalizing the guidelines that will be necessary to assure the quality. It helps to understand the product’s requirements and expectations, and this process starts at the beginning of the project.

Once all requirements and expectations are identified, a plan is developed to meet these requirements and expectations.


The following tools are used in quality management: quality audit, process analysis, quality management, and control tools.

In a quality audit, a team of external experts comes in to review the process and procedures. If there are any discrepancies, they will suggest corrective action, and they may suggest an improvement in the process.

Quality audit is a great tool to ensure that the project follows best practices and approved procedures.


Quality management and control tools include various diagrammatic techniques, which help you find ideas, make decisions, and prioritize issues. A few examples of these tools include an affinity diagram, a tree diagram, network diagram, etc.

Quality Control

quality control

Quality control is a product-based approach that concerns the activities and techniques that are used to fulfill the quality requirements.

Quality control functions start right at the beginning of the project work; it is a reactive approach, which helps find defects in deliverables. The primary objective of the quality control process is to make sure that the deliverables are defect free and acceptable and based on the quality requirements.


Quality assurance and quality control are dependent on each other; the quality control process receives input from the quality assurance process, and in turn, gives its feedback to the quality assurance process so that the quality assurance process can validate the operational process.

For instance, if the project team finds a defect during the execution, they will correct it, and they will send the feedback to the quality assurance team. The quality assurance team will take corrective or preventive action after investigating the cause of this defect to prevent this defect from happening again in the future.



Tools Used in the Quality Control Process


In an inspection, the deliverable is physically examined for any defects and to check if it matches the requirements.


The seven basic tools of quality arescatter diagram,control chart,直方图,清单,Pareto diagram,cause-and-effect analysis和流程图。这些工具有助于查找缺陷和缺陷的原因。


The following are a few differences between the quality assurance and quality control processes:

  • 质量保证侧重于预防缺陷,而质量控制则侧重于缺陷识别。
  • Quality assurance guarantees that the plan was efficient to avoid any anticipated defects. Quality control helps you find defects in the deliverable and correct them.
  • Quality assurance is a proactive process which starts even before the work on the deliverable has started, while quality control is a reactive process and its activity starts as soon as you start working on the deliverable.
  • Quality assurance is a process-based approach; here you develop the process to create the product, while quality control is a product-based approach where you make sure the product is as per requirements.
  • Quality assurance involves processes managing quality, and quality control is used to verify the quality of the product.
  • 质量审核是质量保证的一个示例,同时检查和测试是质量控制过程的示例。




  • They provide you with high-quality output and eliminate waste.
  • 它们提高了操作的效率。
  • 他们提供客户满意度,这有助于您的品牌并有助于发展业务。
  • Less rework and after-sale support are required, which will help you save a lot of money.
  • 他们鼓励高水平的信心和积极进取的团队。





These processes play essential roles in the success of your project. Their effectiveness can only be achieved if they are well understood by the organization and the team performing the job.

There is another process, “validate scope,” which might be combined with quality assurance and quality control. I have written another blog post to explain this as well. Please visit:Quality Control and Validate Scope.

Are you involved in quality assurance or quality control activities? If yes, please share your experiences in the comment section.

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Speak Your Mind

  • 非常有用,与建筑领域有关,这并未被认为是制造业,我们有时面临着胜任的QA /QC专业人员的可用性。
    Please give in details related to construction.

  • 这是一个非常有趣且有见地的文章。我希望进一步看到的是,质量管理人员如何在具有多元化产品和服务的组织中应用质量保证和QC。例如打印部门和保险部门?


    • Hello Kaimfa,

      Both processes are interconnected. It would be better for someone if they understood both processes.

  • 非常感谢。我非常感谢我在此博客上学到的知识,而不是实例的简单性和相对性。曾经非常感谢

  • Hi Fahad,

    您做得很好,非常感谢此博客!确实有助于用不同的单词理解许多概念(甚至比Rita Book中更清晰,而当然,应该在考试前阅读丽塔)。



  • 你好法哈德,

    Can we say that QA is the Manage Quality in Project Quality Management and QC is the control quality in Project Quality Management?

    Thank you,
    Mehul Parekh

  • 我有一个研究任务,我必须做。从我刚刚阅读的内容来看,一个人可以制定一个研究标题,该标题读到:


    Under financial constraints, which of the two would be a better option to invest in. Where one’s aim/objective would be to prove that QA provides a better means of ensuring quality? Or coming to a holistic conclusion that both QA and QC is equally important. I am still quite unsure, this is only the beginning of my research task.

    • Both are equally important and complement each other. In QA you define procedure and in QC you ensure that it is followed.

  • quality is a word with several meaning and connotation. quality can mean excellence as in,this is a quality product.

  • 一直在努力理解这两个任务如何执行的概念。您的博客帮助我澄清了差异及其独特性。用普通和简单的语言起草得很好。谢谢你!

  • well,Here are sharing such a good or informative content about Quality Assurance Training.Thanks for the publish great ideas in this blog!

  • Well, here are sharing such a great and helpful information regarding Quality Assurance (QA). Thanks for the publish great ideas in this blog!

  • 我正在与QA和QC上的歧义进行道路劝告监督。你真的解决了我的困惑。现在他们两个对我来说都很清楚。
    God bless you so much.

  • 正如您所说,“在质量保证方面,您计划避免在计划阶段的缺陷。在质量控制中,您尝试在制造产品时找到缺陷并​​纠正它们。”。PMBOOK说质量保证是执行过程

    • In quality assurance, during the execution phase you check that if the project team is following your plans and procedure correctly.

      The statement is corrected.

  • Sir you said that in quality assurance we plan for processes, how can we say that quality assurance is an execution process

  • Thx. This post is indeed informative and crystal clear. Exactly what I needed as I start my journey as a quality assurer

  • 如果在控制组中进行了风险审核,为什么执行质量审核?

    I am taking the exam next week, thanks for your blogs!

    • Quality audit it a quality assurance function not quality control, that is why it is performed in execution phase.

      • 法哈德,



    • 法哈德,

      After working on your sample questions from your eBook, I realize Procurement Audit is in the Close Procurements group, so now there is an audit activity in three different groups. I understand now, but maybe a discussion on the different types of audits might be helpful.


  • Hi Fahad

    Really like your clear and relevant article on quality assurance.

    Quality assurance might be compared to the direct and manage process of quality control.

  • Hi Fahad,

    Thanks for this well-written article, it’s straight-forward and easier to grasp the key differences than PMBOK. Your website is a great tool for me in preparing PMP exam.

  • 我正在寻找有关质量管理,六个Sigma或任何其他相关课程的负担得起的在线课程。请提供链接。

  • I am reading all your PMP Certification Exam Study Notes and they are very useful and clear. I am preparing to take the exam in about 2 months, I will read every note but if you have more tips, I would really appreciate them!

    Thanks for help us!

    Pura Vida(我来自哥斯达黎加)

    • 不客气威廉。



  • Wow! I just have to say how impressed I am with the way you explain the differences clearly and easily.
    I am so grateful for stumbling upon your blog before my exam in 3 days! Thank you!

  • 你好法哈德,

    QA process using any tool of Quality management and control quality process.

    My query is : whether Quality Assurance process is using 7 basic quality tools(any of 7) ?

  • Assalaamu Alaikkum Fahad,
    I just joined in one of the IT company as QA Engineer. The company develops website required for one of the university. There is no QA department as of now. As QA Engineer what are the process that i should introduce here.


    • wa-assalam basheer,


  • Today I can say I am QA/QC inspector but after reading your blog not before.
    我爱 ?使用Fahad Usmani博客。

  • 在接下来的2天内参加考试…。我必须说,您的文章和博客确实在帮助感谢您的出色工作!

  • Hi Fahad,
    只是想说通过在博客中提供明确的信息来说出您正在做的超级工作。我昨天刚刚了解了这个网站,这是我的考试前一天……我花了大约2 - 3个小时阅读了您的所有文章,这使Crystal Crystal变得清晰了,我今天通过了PMP。保持了出色的工作 :)

    Prasanna Kumar K R, PMP

  • Hi Fahad,


    This blog is fantastic and very well explained!!

    Thank you very much!

    Abhilash VJ

    • Hi Abhilash vj

      Iam glad to see you comments on qa and qc. Its clear understand that qa works of to see that the product is defect free.While qc is working to make sure the product to produced is to free defect according to the custome requests.
      Lastly have liked what you are doing oil and gas quality engineer.


  • 帮我回答这个问题…..?


    A. Plan Quality

    B. Perform Quality Assurance


    D. Qualitative Risk Analysis

    I found that answer is B, but why ?….In PMBOK, under Quality Control ( cause and effect daigram’s are explained …..so doesn’t it fall under Quality control …?

    Thanks in advance.

    • See what the Joe is doing. He is only reviewing the processes used by his company so that the defects (occurred in past projects) could be removed. This is the job of quality assurance to develop a process in such way to avoid any defect.


      Therefore, the answer B is correct.

  • 法哈德,




  • 法哈德,


    I understand that the QA ensures that the processes are set correctly to develop the product and the QC ensures that the final product is as per the requirements or not. Is my understanding correct?

    I did not understand how QA takes inputs from QC and QC takes inputs from QA. Can you give me an example? Thanks for your help.

    • 你好,拉文德拉,


      Quality Assurance develops the procedures, hence input for the Quality Control process.


  • Hello Fahad
    Saleem Angillath

    • Congratulations Saleem for passing the PMP Exam!




    • Thanks Fahad,

      • Hello Sameh. both processes complement each other.

        I did not understand your question well. Please elaborate.

  • 感谢您发布博客,分享您的见解以及井井有条的想法和解释。我希望我在旅行中遇到您的博客,因为今天我第一次尝试通过PMP考试。我准备不足,通过互联网网站过于依赖自学,当人们试图挖洞和研究其中时,生活经常发生……生活总是会让您摆脱所有学习乐趣。Anyhoo,喜欢您的写作风格,它并不是太过学费,并且不是PMBOK中发现的,这对我来说是读书的恐惧。我从来没有花时间在两者之间真正辨别,今天困扰着我。

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