
This is one of those concepts that makes professionals scratch their heads. I was a victim of it myself. During my initial days ofPMP考试准备, I had difficulty understanding the difference between the contingency plan and the fallback plan.

I used to think that the contingency plan was used to manage identified risks and the fallback plan was for unidentified risks. This was wrong. Contingency and fallback plans help manage identified risks.

However, since both plans are used to manage risks, you may wonder which you should follow if any identified risk occurs as both deals with identified risks?

Since I have passed the PMP and PMI-RMP exams and understand these concepts well, I am writing this blog post and hope after reading it you will be able to differentiate the contingency and fallback plan.

Contingency Plan


A contingency is an event that may or may not occur. Therefore, we can say that the contingency plan deals with events that may or may not occur.

A contingency plan is a part of the project management plan; it describes every action that you will take if any identified risk occurs.


A Real-World Example

你工作在一个建设项目,re is a risk that rain may fall during execution, which will damage any consumables lying out in the open.

的refore, you make a plan that says, “If there is an indication of rainfall, all consumables will be covered with a plastic sheet.” You further add that after the rain stops, you will bring a fan/vacuum pump to clean and dry the wet consumables.

This is a contingency plan for this risk event.

You can find many definitions of a contingency plan on the internet that may appear different to you, but they may be individually correct.


  • 应急计划是描述如果有机会或威胁发生的特定行动的计划。
  • A contingency response strategy will be executed if there is a sufficient warning sign (risk trigger).

If you examine these definitions, you will find that they are not different, just phrased differently.



A fallback plan is implemented when the contingency plan fails or is not fully effective. It is a backup for the contingency plan. You can say that the fallback plan is generally made for residual risks.

A Real-World Example

Let’s reconsider the example given above.


In this case, you will implement your fallback plan. It says that if the rain continues to fall for a very long time, causing consumables to be damaged and the contingency plan fails, you will reorder consumables from a pre-identified supplier.

This is an example of a fallback plan.

Before I go any further, let me share another example from my own experience.

I am using a third-party backup service to save data for my blog. I can use this backup in case my site crashes and my托管提供商does not have any backup.


现在,如果我的网站有黑客入侵,会发生什么at the same time my third-party backup service also went out of business? How would I restore my blog?

This is where my fallback plan comes into play. To save myself from such a disaster, I always keep an updated copy of my blog on my computer and Google Drive.

Now, if my blog is hacked and even the third party service fails, I can restore my blog from my backup stored on my computer or online storage.

的Difference Between the Contingency Plan and Fallback Plan

的re is no difference between the contingency plan and the fallback plan; they complement each other. The fallback plan only comes into use when the contingency plan fails.

Similarities Between the Contingency Plan and Fallback Plan

的similarities between these two plans are as follows:

  • Both plans are known as risk responses.
  • Both plans are used to manage the identified risks.
  • Both plans utilize the contingency reserve for implementation.


偶然性和后备计划是您的骨干风险管理计划that helps you manage identified risks. You will implement the contingency plan if any identified risk occurs, and when the contingency plan fails or seem ineffective, you will implement the fallback plan.

You will use the contingency reserve to apply the contingency or fallback plan, not the management reserve because the contingency reserve is used for identified risks. The management reserve is used to manage unidentified risks.

I hope that now you understand these terms. However, if you still have some trouble, leave a comment below. I am ready to discuss.

的contingency plan and fallback plan are very important from a PMP and PMI-RMP exam point of view, so be sure to understand this topic well.