

Since these risks are different, the strategies to manage them are also different. You must manage both风险类型accordingly.

For positive risks, you will try to increase the likelihood of occurrence and for negative risks, you will try to decrease the probability of them occurring or reduce their impact if they do happen.


  • 缓解
  • 避免
  • 转移
  • Accept
  • Escalate

And for positive risks, you can use the following strategies:

  • Enhance
  • 开发
  • Share
  • Accept
  • Escalate


Inpositive risk response strategies, the enhance risk response strategy and the exploit risk response strategy seem to be similar and are a common cause of confusion among professionals, because in both cases you intend to realize the opportunity.

Therefore, in this blog post, we are going to discuss these风险响应策略详细。我希望能帮助您更好地了解他们。



Here, you take measures to increase the chance of the event happening or its impact, but there is no assurance that it will occur, i.e., the opportunity may or may not be realized.



Therefore, you take several measures to realize the opportunity; for example, you usefast-tracking

As you can see in the above example, you are only trying to complete the project early to gain the opportunity; i.e., you are increasing the probability of completing该项目early. There is no guarantee you will realize the opportunity.

This is an example of the enhance risk response strategy.

开发Risk Response Strategy

开发ing is about doing everything to ensure that the event happens. In this risk response strategy, you make sure you realize the opportunity, you take the opportunity seriously and develop a strategy to realize it.



Suppose you are constructing a building, and suddenly the client tells you that if you complete the project two months before the actual completion date, he will give you a financial incentive.

This is an opportunity for you, and management asks that you realize this opportunity. Therefore, you do everything to complete the project ahead of time. You give overtime to your team members, bring in more employees, motivate the team members by announcing rewards if they help you complete the project ahead of time, etc.

This is an example of the exploit risk response strategy, as you make sure that the opportunity is realized.

In the exploit risk response strategy, you are doing everything to realize the opportunity. You do not merely try to get this opportunity; you ensure that you get it.

The Difference Between Enhance and Exploit Risk Response Strategies


  • In the enhance risk response strategy you try to realize the opportunity, while in the exploit risk response strategy you ensure that you will realize the opportunity.
  • In the enhance risk response strategy you increase the probability of the opportunity happening, while in the exploit risk response strategy you increase the probability to 100%.
  • 增强风险响应策略可以视为缓解风险响应策略的相反,而利用风险响应策略可以被视为避免风险响应策略的相反。


Enhance and exploit are two kinds of positive risk response strategies. If the opportunity is not very important or you do not have any extra resources, you will use the enhance risk response strategy. In the enhance risk response strategy, you increase the chance of the risk occurring. However, if you have extra resources available or the opportunity is so important that you cannot let it go, you will use the exploit risk response strategy. In the exploit risk response strategy, you increase the chance of the risk happening to 100%.





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Speak Your Mind

  • Thanks for the explanation, I have been thinking about enhance vs exploit and stumbled upon your good post.
    For example, if there is a 80% probabilty that Euro value will increase by 20%. I cannot exploit this opportunity i can only enhance it by increasing the impact by buying more euros.

    Thanks again.

  • Very nice explanation – especially like the idea of when to enhance and when to exploit. However, I feel PMI should do away with “exploit”. I don’t think PM can do a mitigation plan (which is supposed to be proactive) that will bring the probability of risk occurrence to 100%.

  • Your project is halfway complete and you see an opportunity that if you are able to complete the project a little early, you will get another project. So you ask your team members to find ways to complete the project one month earlier. Your team members come up with various ideas such as running many activities in parallel, using extra resources, overtime, and renting new equipment. You review these ideas and find most of them very costly so you decide to run many activities in parallel so the project can finish earlier. What kind of response it this?


  • I had a long time doubt which is cleared by your blog.
    Really nice .

  • Thank you Fahd, as I understood, however, selecting the correct or best answer depends on the action has been made in the question

  • I want to appear in RMP exam. I have a question that what type of questions I would face in the exam except Risk Management process questions.


  • 1.传播模式和效果分析与风险相同,我们必须为此做一个偶然性吗?
    2. Cause and Effect Diagram is an analytical technique or not because in PMBOK 5 in the Glossary it is mentioned that it is a decomposing technique?

  • 我从测试准备中获得了许多不同的答案方案。例如,我已经在来源中看到,如果需要更改计划(例如,时间表时间增加),您应该假设“利用”。另外,我已经看到崩溃的双向“利用”和“增强”(不知道它是否100%试图获得机会。问题只是说:“崩溃是一种……”。如果测试确实确实如此这是我如何选择的(Ucertify说Anhance,PM讲师说漏洞利用)。

    • Also, ucertify said that “training is a form of exploit”. How would I guess on that if I don’t know the ascertion of the PM?

      • 开发and Enhance is not about any special technique. It is about the way that how you approach it. If you just trying to get it, it is enhancing. On the other hand, if you’re working hard to make sure to realize it, it is exploiting.

  • Don’t really agree with your example, although you are quite accurate in definition of exploit vs enhance. Though there are a lot of flaws in your interpretation of the scenario. Let me take one example. In the enhance part you have mentioned to enhance by using only fast tracking , and just by using crashing it becomes an exploitation effort? What if the project cannot be fast tracked due to a constraint in sequence of project schedule. And crashing and fast tracking both actually increase risk, doesn’t reduce it!


    开发as per PMBOK means to “eliminate” the uncertainty
    Enhance as per PMBOK means to “reduce” the uncertainty.

    In many situations, the best we can do is really to enhance the opportunity, and cannot exploit it, especially when it comes to decisions regarding schedules. Remember, best you could do with a project schedule is to come up with a certain standard deviation on a target date. There is never an absolute schedule in PM terms.

    In your construction project, best we can do is to enhance the opportunity. We can’t really exploit it as there will always be some probability of work not being completed 2 months earlier.

    So when looking at enhance vs exploit, first we need to look at the situation, and determine what realistically is possible.

    Still, in your example, you can exploit many small risks to enhance the final risk. For example, you could look at your schedule and if possible adjust the timing, or resources of work package such that it guarantees a specific outcome at activity level.

    Hence, the risk of completing the whole building really cannot be exploited. Max it can be enhanced. Exploitation usually happens at smaller levels, such as resources, or work-package.

    • 崩溃,快速跟踪等不是要采取的措施或增强风险响应策略的完整措施。决定最佳行动方案是项目经理的工作。

      Point is, in exploit you will eliminate the uncertainty, and in enhance you will reduce the uncertainty.

      Thank you Mr Xman for your visit.

  • Your blog is fantastic and really helps everyone to fully understand difficult terms and conditions related with project management.


    Thanks in advance

    • Thank you John for your comment.

      I don’t have any tool or examples for the total project risk. Let me know if you have any specific question.


  • 广泛的解释Usmani。


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