
Risk management is a proactive process that helps you manage risks before they occur. In your project, you will encounter two types of risks: negative risks and positive risks. A negative risk could harm your objective and a positive risk can have some positive effects on your project.

Since these risks are different, the strategies to manage them are also different. You must manage bothtypes of risks因此。


The following strategies can be used tomanage negative risks:

  • Mitigate
  • Avoid
  • Transfer
  • 接受
  • 升级


  • 提高
  • Exploit
  • 分享
  • 接受
  • 升级

So, there are eight types of strategies to manage risks. Accept and escalate risk response strategies are common for both types of risks.

positive risk response strategies,增强风险反应策略和利用风险反应策略似乎是相似的,并且是专业人士混淆的常见原因,因为在这两种情况下,您都打算实现机会。

因此,在这篇博客文章中,我们将讨论这些risk response strategiesin detail. I hope to help you understand them better.

提高Risk Response Strategy

Enhancing is about increasing the probability and/or impact of positive risks.



Assume you are constructing a building, and suddenly the client tells you that he will give you a monetary reward if you complete the project two months earlier than scheduled.


正如您在上面的示例中看到的那样,您只是试图尽早完成该项目以获取机会。即,您正在增加完成的可能性the project早期的。不能保证您会意识到机会。



Exploiting is about doing everything to ensure that the event happens. In this risk response strategy, you make sure you realize the opportunity, you take the opportunity seriously and develop a strategy to realize it.

Simply put, with the exploit risk response strategy, you increase the chance of the event happening to 100%.



This is an opportunity for you, and management asks that you realize this opportunity. Therefore, you do everything to complete the project ahead of time. You give overtime to your team members, bring in more employees, motivate the team members by announcing rewards if they help you complete the project ahead of time, etc.




The following are a few differences between enhance and exploit risk response strategies:

  • 在the enhance risk response strategy you try to realize the opportunity, while in the exploit risk response strategy you ensure that you will realize the opportunity.
  • 在增强风险响应策略中,您会增加机会发生的可能性,而在利用风险响应策略中,您将概率提高到100%。
  • The enhance risk response strategy can be considered the opposite of the mitigation risk response strategy, while the exploit risk response strategy can be regarded as the opposite of the avoid risk response strategy.


提高and exploit are two kinds of positive risk response strategies. If the opportunity is not very important or you do not have any extra resources, you will use the enhance risk response strategy. In the enhance risk response strategy, you increase the chance of the risk occurring. However, if you have extra resources available or the opportunity is so important that you cannot let it go, you will use the exploit risk response strategy. In the exploit risk response strategy, you increase the chance of the risk happening to 100%.

The enhance risk response strategy takes the situation leniently, while the exploit risk response strategy takes it aggressively. The strategy chosen for the opportunity will depend on the situation, requirements, and resources available to you.

This topic is vital from a PMP and PMI-RMP exam point of view. You may see several questions from this topic on your exam.

So, what do you think about enhance risk response and exploit risk response strategies? Let me know in the comments section below.

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  • 感谢您的解释,我一直在考虑增强与利用并偶然发现您的好帖子。
    Please correct me if i am wrong, in enhance i can work on enhancing probabilty and/or impact while in exploit i focus on probabilty making certian that the opportunity will occure so that i can exploit it.


  • Very nice explanation – especially like the idea of when to enhance and when to exploit. However, I feel PMI should do away with “exploit”. I don’t think PM can do a mitigation plan (which is supposed to be proactive) that will bring the probability of risk occurrence to 100%.

    • Mitigation is for negative risk. Exploit means the project manager is doing everything in hand to make it happen.

  • Your project is halfway complete and you see an opportunity that if you are able to complete the project a little early, you will get another project. So you ask your team members to find ways to complete the project one month earlier. Your team members come up with various ideas such as running many activities in parallel, using extra resources, overtime, and renting new equipment. You review these ideas and find most of them very costly so you decide to run many activities in parallel so the project can finish earlier. What kind of response it this?


  • 我有很长时间的怀疑,您的博客清除了。
    非常好 。
    Where I can look forward like this explanation for some other PMP terms

  • 我想参加RMP考试。我有一个问题,除了风险管理过程问题,我将在考试中面临哪些类型的问题。


  • 1.Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is same as Risk, do we have to do a contingency for this?
    2.因果图是否是一种分析技术,是否是因为在词汇表中的PMBOK 5中,提到这是一种分解技术?

    • 1) FEMA is an analytic technique.

      2) Cause and effect diagram is a tool and technique of plan quality management process.

  • I get a lot of different answer scenarios from test preps. For example, I have seen in a source that you should assume “exploit” if a plan needs to be changed (such as increased schedule time). Also, I have seen crashing go both ways “exploit” and “enhance” (not knowing if it is 100% or not trying to get the opportunity. The question just says, “crashing is a form of…”. If the test does that, how would I choose (ucertify says enhance and PM Instructors says exploit).

    • Also, ucertify said that “training is a form of exploit”. How would I guess on that if I don’t know the ascertion of the PM?

      • Exploit and Enhance is not about any special technique. It is about the way that how you approach it. If you just trying to get it, it is enhancing. On the other hand, if you’re working hard to make sure to realize it, it is exploiting.

  • Don’t really agree with your example, although you are quite accurate in definition of exploit vs enhance. Though there are a lot of flaws in your interpretation of the scenario. Let me take one example. In the enhance part you have mentioned to enhance by using only fast tracking , and just by using crashing it becomes an exploitation effort? What if the project cannot be fast tracked due to a constraint in sequence of project schedule. And crashing and fast tracking both actually increase risk, doesn’t reduce it!

    The key to understand here is to go back to PMBOK and dig the concept in more depth.

    Exploit as per PMBOK means to “eliminate” the uncertainty
    提高as per PMBOK means to “reduce” the uncertainty.


    在your construction project, best we can do is to enhance the opportunity. We can’t really exploit it as there will always be some probability of work not being completed 2 months earlier.

    So when looking at enhance vs exploit, first we need to look at the situation, and determine what realistically is possible.



    • Crashing, fast tracking, etc. are not a complete list of action to be taken for either exploit or enhance risk response strategies. It is job of the project manager to decide the best course of action.



  • 您的博客很棒,确实可以帮助每个人完全了解与项目管理相关的困难条款和条件。

    I would like to ask you if you can provide tools and examples that calculate the total project risk. How calculated a total project risk and compared with other total project risks?

    谢谢in advance

    • Thank you John for your comment.

      I don’t have any tool or examples for the total project risk. Let me know if you have any specific question.


  • 我真的很喜欢阅读您的PMP材料。他们是清晰,简洁,很好的例子。不错的工作。
    Thank you

  • Broad explanation Usmani.

    Hence, from negative risk perspective we have another 2 response strategies: MITIGATION Risk Response Strategy (to try to minimize the threat) and AVOID Risk Response Strategy (to ensure threat elimination) ??

  • {“电子邮件”:“邮件地址无效”,“url”:”网站的广告dress invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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