types of organizational structure

Every organization has a structure that depends on the tasks they are dealing with. If the work is temporary, the structure should allow temporary hire and fire, etc.

However, if the organization has a permanent operation, the structure should allow for activities that help maintain its operation.

Organizational structure is a system set up that determines the hierarchy of people, their function, workflow, and reporting system. It is anenterprise environmental factorand it guides how an organization runs its operations.

As organizations grow their requirements change. The structure must adapt to support its objectives.

Why is an Organizational Structure Needed?

The market is competitive; therefore, the organization should adapt to market demand and be responsive.

Organizations with poor structure will not survive.

A well-defined structure helps the organization realize its potential and support its objectives.

For example:

Let us say your organization is producing a product. Your customers are satisfied and not very demanding; what kind of organizational structure will you select?


Let’s consider another case.

Suppose your organization has ten employees and deals with small projects. You always start looking for a new project.

In this case, what kind of structure will you select?

You will select the projectized organizational structure as you are dealing with projects.

Now, the final case.

Your organization is enormous. The work environment is dynamic. Customer requirements and market demands are always changing.

What kind of structure will you select?

You cannot select the functional organization because it does not allow for quick changes to its operations.

You also cannot select the projectized structure. Although it supports a dynamic nature, this is not enough. Your organization is big and you need permanent departments to keep your organization functioning. This is not possible with a pure projectized organization.

Therefore, you will select a matrix organizational structure. It has the qualities of both the functional and projectized organizational structure and will support your operations and help achieve the organization’s objectives.

Types of Organizational Structure

The type of structure depends on many factors, such as governing style, leadership style, workflow, hierarchy, and many more.


  • Organic or Simple Organization
  • Functional or Centralized Organization
  • Multi-divisional Organization
  • Matrix Organization
  • Project Oriented (Composite or Hybrid) Organization
  • Virtual Organization
  • Hybrid Organization
  • PMO

Wikipedia has six organizational structures:

  • Pre-bureaucratic Structure
  • 官僚结构
  • 爆发后结构
  • Functional Structure
  • 部门结构
  • Matrix Structure

Some other sources divide them into the following categories:

  • Simple Organization
  • Functional Organization
  • Divisional Organization
  • Matrix Organization
  • 基于团队的组织
  • 基于网络的组织
  • Modular Organization

On the Internet, you will find many more structures. However, the classifications above are the most popular.

Since this blog is dedicated toPMP考试准备, I will focus on the PMBOK Guide’s definitions and explain the other structures in brief.

Organic or Simple Structure

Here, you may work alone or side by side.

You may be the only employee in your company.


Functional (Centralized) Organizational Structure


This helps organizations enhance the efficiencies of each functional group.


你可能会有很多功能部门little centralization. Generally, these divisions are independent. Project managers do not have authority; however, they have part-time staff.


Matrix Organizational Structure

This is a hybrid of a functional and projectized organizational structure. Here you have two command structures: vertical and horizontal. An employee may belong to a functional group, but can also work on a project; this structure uses the best of both worlds.

A matrix organizational structure can be of three types:

  1. Strong Matrix Structure
  2. Balanced Matrix Structure
  3. Weak Matrix Structure

Strong Matrix Structure

Strong matrix organizations are closer to a projectized organization. Here the project managers have the highest authority, control over the budget, and a full-time team reporting to them.

Balanced Matrix Structure

A balanced matrix has properties of both functional and projectized structures. Here, project managers have a low-to-moderate authority and a part-time team. The budget is managed by both the project manager and the functional manager.

Weak Matrix Structure

A weak matrix is closer to a functional structure. Here, project managers have low authority and no control over the budget; they will have a part-time team.


Aprojectized organization显然处理项目。项目经理有权成功完成该项目,担任全职职位,对预算的控制以及向他们报告的全职团队。

A team-based structure is another name for a projectized organizational structure.

Virtual Organization

Many experts call this a virtual corporation. The central organization is connected to outside firms via the internet. The outside firm can be a vendor, client, or associate. This structure helps organizations achieve corporate growth and a greater profit. In a network structure, the organization keeps its core business to itself while the rest of the processes are outsourced. This structure is also known as a hollow corporation, hollow organization, or network structure.

Here the project manager has a low-to-moderate authority, however, they have mixed control over the budget. They may or may not have a full-time team reporting them.


True to its name, this structure may use any combination of the organizational structures.

假设你是一个功能性组织。这东东ds a small building, and your organization has the capability to build it. In this case, your organization will create a separate project team to complete this task.

This is a mixed structure. Responsibility, authority, and other factors are also mixed depending on the structure.



Here is where the blog post on organizational structure ends.

Now, let’s take a look at other organizational structures that are not mentioned in the PMBOK Guide. This is for your information only. Don’t expect to see a question on these types of structures on your PMP exam.

The Simple Structure

This structure is suitable for small organizations in their early stages. They have just started and are in the development phase. Here, the authority lies with a single person. These structures have a few rules and work is low skilled.

Some scholars call this a pre-bureaucratic structure.

The Modular Structure

In this structure, the organization outsources some parts of a product.


Pre-Bureaucratic Structure

Pre-bureaucratic organizations do not have standard procedures and policies. This structure is used by small-scale organizations and has a few employees who handle simple tasks. It has a central command with one decision-maker in the top position.

Communication takes place on a one-on-one basis and it usually is informal.


This structure is suitable for huge organizations with complex operations and that need smooth administration. They have standard procedures and processes.

An example of this organizational structure is the food and beverage industry where there are strict rules and regulations.

Post-Bureaucratic Structure

后官僚组织开发和have various standards and procedures. These organizations have a central command comprising several board members, decisions are made through a democratic process. This encourages employee participation, trust, personal treatment, and responsibility.


An organizational structure has a well-defined reporting structure. It reduces friction among employees by clarifying roles and responsibilities.

Having a proper organizational structure can bring immense benefits to any organization. A few of these benefits are:

  • It allows an organization to grow.
  • 将注意力集中在您的战略目标上,而不是每个部门关注其议程。
  • Unites a group of people and points them towards a common goal.
  • Encourages employees to enhance their skills.
  • It makes the decision-making process efficient, smoother, and faster.
  • Facilitates the specialization of employees.
  • It enables better control and use of resources.
  • Establishes a proper reporting system.
  • Enables easier and better communication, which helps in reducing conflicts.
  • 允许员工表现更好。
  • Helps employees grow their career and streamline new employees.
  • 确定明确的角色和职责。


An organizational structure is a framework that helps organizations achieve their business objectives. It defines the relationship between the various departments and teams. It helps organizations to delegate authority, power, and responsibility.


What type of structure does your organization have? Please share your experiences at work in the comments section.