new pmbok guide 5th edition

PMI于2012年12月31日发布了《 PMbob手机客户端BOK指南》第五版,这是发布第四版的四年。这是一个重大更新。

It has been over three months, and many aspirants have been asking me questions about the new PMBOK Guide, the validity of their certification, the changes to the PMP exam, etc.







Therefore, if you want to become a PMP, I suggest you start your preparation now and attempt the exam before the 31st of July.

Now, let us discuss the changes in the 5th edition of the PMBOK Guide.


The major change in this new edition of the PMBOK Guide is the inclusion of a new knowledge area–Project Stakeholder Management. This knowledge area has four processes.

第四版,利益相关者管理是一个part of the Communication Management knowledge area. This change shows PMI’s recognition of利益相关者管理

There were five process groups and 42 processes in the 4th edition of the PMBOK Guide; in the 5th edition, the number of groups is the same, but now it has 47 processes.

These five new added processes are:

  • Four planning processes were added to different knowledge areas: plan scope management, plan schedule management, plan cost management, and plan stakeholder management. This is consistent with other project management knowledge areas.
  • 两个沟通过程已合并为一个。分发信息和报告绩效成为管理通信。
  • 添加了两个新的控制过程:控制沟通和控制利益相关者管理。



  • 更改验证范围以验证范围。
  • 更改管理采购以控制采购。
  • 直接和管理项目执行已更改为直接和管理项目工作。

Some changes are for consistency: Project Document Update was changed to Project Document Updates. You can find a few minor changes in Input, Tools & Techniques, and Output.

This is a short description of a few changes in the 5th edition of the PMBOK Guide.




Yes, your certification will be valid even when the 6th edition comes out.

PMP凭据与PMBOK指南无关。bob手机客户端通过考试后,您就是PMP。唯一的条件是维护CCR周期。要完成它,赚钱60 pdus每三年一次向PMI报告。

As long as you continue to do so, your certification will be valid regardless of the version of the PMBOK Guide.



You don’t have to retake the exam or attend a bridging course.

You never have to retake the test as long as you maintain the CCR Cycle. If you fail to complete it, then you will have to attempt the PMP exam again to earn the title. This is the only condition that requires reexamination.


PMI updates the PMBOK Guide every four years to keep it current and to align it with the latest industry standards. It is always best for you to keep yourself updated with the latest version of the guide. Every new edition brings changes. If you have knowledge of the earlier book, understanding the changes and implementing them will not cost you much effort.



我建议您参考《 PMBOK指南》第5版(附录– X1)的第463页,以了解有关bob手机客户端PMBOK指南的更改。