virtual scavenger hunt

Today, we will talk about using a virtual scavenger hunt for team building.

虚拟寻宝游戏team building activityand refers to online competitions in which players compete to complete tasks within a set duration. Virtual scavenger hunts are ideal for remote teams since they help team members engage and connect.

“Online scavenger hunts” or “remote scavenger hunts” are other names for virtual scavenger hunts.

In this exercise, you prepare a list of objects and ask participants to find them within a specified duration. For example, players may be required to collect their favorite tumbler or take a picture of something. These activities help players have a good time and engage with other team members.

Virtual Scavenger Hunts for Team Building

Virtual scavenger hunts are great for team building. A virtual scavenger exercise encourages participants to collaborate while challenging their intellect. It is a teambuilding exercise! Virtual scavenger hunts can range from simply gathering to discovering items with hints.

Tackling games such as online scavenger hunts requires synergy. It creates a sense of connection and helps team members work cohesively. These days, organizations are allowing employees to work through virtual platforms, and this exercise provides a feeling of being connected.

Virtual scavenger hunts can include video and photo contributions. In such cases, you can assemble these images or videos and develop an event memory.

How to Create a Scavenger Hunt

Use the following steps to create a virtual scavenger hunt.

Decide the Theme and the Duration of the Scavenger Hunt

Choose a concept for the scavenger hunt and the game duration.

例如,您可能选择独特的对象your players that are available in their locality.

Then, you will decide the duration of the scavenger hunt.

For example, you can give one hint per workday and then let the scavenger hunt last for a week.

Don’t make it lengthy; otherwise, it will become tiresome, and participants may lose interest in the game.

Compile a List of Items and Challenges

The objects that the players must collect are necessary for a successful virtual scavenger hunt. Consider what team members may have in their homes while preparing your list. Young or single team members may have different possessions compared to married couples and couples with kids.

Include simple tasks, such as snapping pictures with a pet, creating handmade ornaments, etc. The most acceptable virtual scavenger hunt activities are entertaining and easy to complete.

Here is a list of simple things for taking pictures:

  • Your workstation
  • The view from your door or window
  • Your breakfast/lunch
  • A mug of your choosing
  • A selfie
  • Your favorite notebook or pen
  • Your personal computer

You can also have your team members solve puzzles as a part of the game.

Gather Your Players

Bring the players together, let them know the tasks and rules, and then present tasks to the team.

To ease the burden, you can automate some tasks; for example, you can schedule to send emails with hints at the appropriate time. This relieves you of the burden of sending out the hints daily.

Decide how you will assign a score, select a winner, and the winning prize.

Let the Hunt Begin

The virtual scavenger hunt starts after the team gets the scavenger hunt list. Have a countdown timer to keep track of time. If the team is remote, they can connect through video. However, players should be able to reach you by any means.

Team members should “check off” an item by capturing a picture or video after finishing a task. At the end of the duration, all players must submit their entries.

Identify the Winner

Don’t allow submission after the time ends. Examine each player’s entries and assign scores. The team member with the highest score is the winner. If it is a tie, you can use a tiebreaker to find the winner. After the winner is decided, announce him/her to the team.

You can offer the winner a virtual reward, such as

  • An electronic gift card for online purchasing.
  • A gift voucher for food delivery.
  • Access to on-demand movies.


Allow time to celebrate. Encourage the team to share funny scavenger hunt stories or their experiences with the game.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt Rules

All participants should have a common understanding of the proper virtual scavenger hunt exercise. Set up some rules for the virtual scavenger hunt using these guidelines:

  1. All the objects must be available nearby.
  2. An object can only be used once.
  3. No photos from the internet. The players should capture all videos and photos.
  4. Participants must submit all pictures at once to avoid flooding the host with messages.
  5. 后所有提交的最后期限将disqualified.
  6. The scavenger hunt will never compel users to complete unsafe or illegal tasks.

These rules help ensure a fair and safe game. Virtual scavenger hunts work better when participants abide by rules.

Scavenger Hunt for the Workplace

You can organize a scavenger hunt for your local team as well to provide some relief from the monotonous routine. They help team members have thrilling memories with each other while experiencing excitement doing an activity. Scavenger hunts are easy to organize and affordable. This is a fun way to raise team spirit without breaking the bank.

You should not force the scavenger hunt. Pushing individuals to take part in activities is not good for team morale. Some team members may not feel motivated by this exercise, while others may think it is a great method to bond with other team members.

Although this is a great exercise for team building, this activity alone will not solve all of your team management challenges. If you’re attempting to motivate a negative coworker, you’ll need some other tactics, but a virtual scavenger hunt is a pleasant way to interest the entire team.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt at Home

A virtual scavenger hunt is a fantastic way to connect with your family and friends at home. You can meet up with your family and friends online and have fun. This makes your time at home more enjoyable!

You can have virtual treasure hunts with different people. It creates a friendly way to unwind when you are present at home and make new memories with your friends. A virtual scavenger hunt connects people who are far away.

Scavenger Hunt Team Ideas

You can customize the virtual scavenger hunt with the hints you create. You can take ideas from the list below or use your own ideas.

Photo and Video Ideas

  • Take a picture of all the cleaning products in your house.
  • Participants can send a video or photo of them doing their least favorite chore.
  • Find and submit the funniest cat on the internet.
  • Share the image that pops to mind when you hear a certain word or phrase.
  • Make a video of yourself humorously singing a popular song.
  • Make a 10-second video of the current weather outside and show it to the team.
  • If the scavenger hunt falls over the holidays, you might ask participants to contribute photos of their Christmas decorations.
  • Take a picture of you brushing your teeth.
  • Take a photo of a first-aid kit or a bandage box.
  • Take a snapshot of everything that is within an arm’s reach of you.
  • Take a picture of a car charger and post it on social media.

Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Home

  • Share a picture of your favorite mug.
  • Demonstrate your intelligence: Show a book from your collection with a minimum of 300 pages.
  • Team members should “show and tell” anything fascinating to other members of the team.
  • Showcase a picture of your living area’s worst “junk drawer.”
  • Recreate a photo from your past.
  • Make a replica of a well-known piece of artwork or artwork inside your own house.
  • Send a photograph of your workspace. If you have work-related information on the computer, you’ll get bonus points (should be non-confidential information).
  • If you have a customized or otherwise unique mask, show it off.
  • 随着更多的宠物成为“办公室”的伴侣their humans, pet selfies are becoming popular. Take a selfie of your pet.
  • Look for something from the previous decades in your home.

Ideas of Things to Look for Online

  • Have participants search for objects that reflect particular words or phrases in a word-themed hunt.
  • On Google Images, look for one of the worst selfies and show your results.
  • Find a certain organization’s social media presence and all of its pages for bonus points.
  • Participants must find items that begin with certain letters of the alphabet.
  • Find a screenshot on your laptop, desktop, or mobile and share it. It should be shared with everyone. The more experience you have, the better.
  • Share what you know: Look up your job title on the internet. Find the job description and distribute it to the group.
  • Look for a popular Instagram hashtag.
  • Find the funniest meme related to a specific word, phrase, or celebrity.
  • Assign participants to search the web for specific details, buzzwords, or articles. The more pages you have, the merrier.
  • Find three hilarious TikTok videos and share them with the rest of the team.

Ideas of Random Objects to Find

You can build any list with random items as you like. Here is a list of random things you can include:

  • A package of unopened toilet paper,
  • A pizza from the freezer,
  • Baby wipes,
  • A piece of exercise gear,
  • Peanut butter in a jar,
  • A candle,
  • A shopping bag that may be used again and again,
  • A decorative cushion,
  • A board game,
  • A coffee cup with a motivational slogan on it,
  • A package of bandages,
  • A 4th-generation iPhone,
  • A musical instrument,
  • A phone charger for an automobile,
  • A memento from a previous vacation,
  • A lampshade and
  • A pet of any size or breed.

Virtual Team Building Ideas

  • Bingo on a conference call.
  • Make a map of your city.
  • f和你一起吃午饭吗riends while on camera.
  • Sending each other modest gifts.
  • Make a playlist for your squad.
  • Create a countdown calendar to indicate the time until a major event.
  • Share training/fun items every day for a specific period.
  • Create a daily quiz question based on a specific topic.
  • Show photographs of products that are related to your project.

Scoring for Virtual Scavenger Hunts

You can assign points for your virtual scavenger hunt differently. If you are playing the scavenger hunt with children, go for a simple scavenger hunt rather than a competition. In such a scenario, you may skip the score altogether.

Let’s now review some scoring options.

Option 1: One Point for Each Round

This method awards one point to the participant who submits the item first and “wins” the round. Participants keep records of their victories, and the winner of the scavenger hunt is the individual with the highest number of points. This is a good option to keep track of scores for bigger teams.

Option 2: One Point Per Person

Here, you announce that those who submit the object within a specified time will receive one point. Here the competition is less intense than the first scoring option. Also, chances of having a tie when using this scoring method are high.

Option 3: First, Second, Last

Here, the first participant who submits the object first will get five points, the second person receives three points, and after that, whoever submits the object gets one point. This option is suitable for smaller teams, as keeping records for team members would be time-consuming for bigger teams.

The best thing about this scoring method is that you cannot guess the winner. Completing one round and earning five points is a significant accomplishment that can push you from last to first in a single round. With this option, have a scorecard in an open area and ensure every team member can see it.


A virtual scavenger hunt for team building helps team members bond with one another.

This team-building exercise requires an internet connection and an activity list. Start the hunt after sending the activity list to team members through email, text, or video call. In the end, assess the results and announce the winners. It is not simple to build and maintain trust in a virtual team; however, virtual scavenger hunts and other virtual team-building challenges have the power to accomplish cohesiveness in a team.

This is where this post on virtual scavenger hunts for team building ends.

Have you ever taken part in a scavenger hunt at your workplace? Please share your experiences through the comments section.