

在制定项目计划时,您必须考虑许多因素。一个重要因素是创建一个问题日志,以帮助保持井井有条,并跟踪在此期间出现的问题project’s lifecycle.


问题是出现的问题或并发症during a project and have affected the project’s objectives.


  1. Managing Stakeholders:This includes ensuring stakeholders’ needs are taken care of anddealing with conflict.
  2. 范围蠕变:Scope creepoccurs when the scope exceeds what was agreed. It mainly occurs due to miscommunication among stakeholders.
  3. Time Management:This ensures the project stays on track andmeets milestones和截止日期。它确保团队成员按时完成正确的任务。
  4. Resource Management:This ensures resource availability and efficient utilization.

Addressing issues requires dealing with them head-on.


An issue log is a project document, sometimes known as an issue register, that records problems in a project. It helps track what has been done and other relevant information about the issue. An issue log has information on all the issues that occurred during a project lifecycle, such as:

  • Date and time of issue identification
  • The severity of the problem
  • Steps that were taken to resolve it
  • 谁负责解决它
  • 预期分辨率日期


An up-to-date issue log is an essential part of good project management.

The issue log should be updated regularly. This will help you keep track of changes or new issues that may have arisen and makes it easier to troubleshoot problems.

An issue log is a useful organizational process asset for future projects.

一些project management software applicationsinclude a built-in issue log, while others allow you to create a spreadsheet.

How to Manage Issues in Project Management

Project management involves dealing with issues. Project managers must handle any situation, whether it is an unexpected delay, a change in requirements, or something else.


An issue log contains all known problems, including their causes, effects, and resolutions. They have information about what happened, when it was discovered, and by whom.


  • 问题日志应访问,简单且易于更新。
  • Be as specific as possible when documenting issues.
  • Assign each issue a unique code for accurate tracking.



At the basic level, an issue log records open or closed issues. It helps you keep track of the problem from the moment it is discovered until it is resolved.

You can classify and organize problems according to their type and severity for easier prioritization and handling.

An issue log has the following components:

  1. Issue Number:A unique number is assigned to each issue.
  2. Issue Name:每个问题都给出描述性名称。该名称应特定于易于识别。
  3. Issue Description:The description should contain a detailed explanation of the problem, including all relevant information, such as when it was discovered and the cause.
  4. 问题的状态:This shows if the issue is new or old, resolved, not resolved, resolution, etc. You can see the issue’s status and progress in real time.
  5. Category:Include the type of issue in this section. This will help you classify and organize issues according to their types (i.e., network, performance, security).
  6. 优先事项:分配给每个问题的优先级级别有助于确定哪些问题需要立即关注,或者以后是否可以对其进行处理。
  7. Assigned to:本节保留给负责人。
  8. Target Resolutions Time-frame:When does the issue need to be resolved? This section sets time-based expectations for the team and stakeholders involved in fixing the problem.
  9. Resolution:如果解决问题,则采取了什么解决方案和措施?本节有助于将来参考。
  10. 评论:在本节中,您可以添加有关问题的相关注释。bob官网竞彩足球例如,如果团队中的某人正在努力解决它,则可以在本节中添加他们的名字。

Benefits of an Issue Log


  1. 它提供了适当的记录机制。In the issue log, team members can document problems they are experiencing with the project. This helps bring the right people to solve the problem.
  2. 它确保利益相关者知道每个问题的状态。当记录问题时,利益相关者可以看到问题的状态。
  3. You can easily track the status of issues.An issue log shows the duration of the issue and what action you took to correct it. This information can help teams identify the root cause of each issue and develop a solution.
  4. It is a good communication tool.问题日志可以帮助确保团队成员知道他们负责的任务以及延误如何影响项目。您可以在视觉上在时间轴或甘特图上跟踪此信息。
  5. 它按时间顺序跟踪项目的任何进展和问题。它显示了一个位置的项目的整体进度和状态。这些信息使利益相关者可以看到每个问题如何影响同一项目中的其他任务。
  6. You can solve recurring issues with the least amount of effort.A well-maintained issue log helps identify recurring issues from past projects. This information helps you develop plans to prevent these problems in future projects.
  7. An issue log is a helpful lesson-learned document.

By tracking each issue and ensuring stakeholders are aware of the status, you can prevent the problem from escalating and keep projects on track.


Below is an example of an entry in an issue log:

  1. 问题类型:Security.
  2. 优先事项:High.
  3. Assigned to:Harry.
  4. 目标分辨率时间框架:Two weeks.
  5. Resolution:The password reset procedure was followed, and the issue has been resolved.
  6. 评论:The user contacted support, and they helped him reset his password.
  7. Resolved:This section is reserved when the item has been resolved or completed.
  8. Comment:Provided screenshots of how the user reset the password.

Here are example templates for an issue log:

Example 1:

issue log example 1


issue log example 2

问题记录Vs Risk Register



However, both are live project documents and are updated when new risks or issues are identified. Both are confidential documents as they can contain sensitive information and cannot be shared with everyone.

问题记录Vs RAID Log

RAID代表风险,假设、问题和德pendencies. Many projects have a RAID log instead of an issue log. The RAID log takes care of issues related to the project along with risks, assumptions, and dependencies.

The RAID log is also a project management document. If a project is using the RAID log, it won’t have an issue log.

The RAID log is an important tool. It helps stakeholders see project issues, risks, assumptions, and risks in one place at a glance.


The following are best practices to get the most out of an issue log:

  • Report Issues Immediately:鼓励团队成员在发生问题后立即报告问题。延迟问题可能会升级并严重影响该项目。延迟会使问题更加复杂,然后解决问题将是困难且耗时的。
  • Log Issues:You should log the issues accurately, and stakeholders must be aware of them. A well-maintained issue log makes it easier to manage issues.
  • Accurate Description:Issues should be maintained with a correct and brief description so anyone reading for the first time can understand them. It helps stakeholders understand and solve the issues.
  • Assign the Issues:You must assign an issue to an unbiased team member to monitor and address it. It ensures the issue is resolved and does not escalate further.
  • Track the Issue:You must track the issue’s resolution progress and ensure it is resolved. Make sure the person assigned to the issue is monitoring the issue and is involved in solving it.


An issue log provides a list of problems that have occurred and requires resolution. It contains a list of all issues, impacts, and resolutions. If used correctly, the issue log brings transparency to the project, increases accountability among team members, and builds team members’ trust in each other.

Ensure that only relevant stakeholders have access to this project document, as it sometimes may contain sensitive information.

Fahad Usmani, PMP

我是B.E. Mohammad Fahad UsmaniPMP,PMI-RMP。自2011年以来,我一直在博客上就项目管理主题进行博客。迄今为止,成千上万的专业人员使用我的资源通过了PMP考试。b0b体育app