Performance Reports

Definition: Performance reportsrepresent work status and progress to be provided to management for their information or to make decisions. Performance reports can be in electronic or physical form.



Comparing actual progress with the planned progress helps identify if the project is progressing as planned. If not, you can take corrective action as required.

Performance reports show the current status and progress. Theproject stakeholdersare interested in these reports, as a glance at performance reports makes them aware of the project’s health.

Performance Reports

Performance reports organize and summarize the project information and present it to the stakeholders. They clarify the direction the project is going and the expected future performance.


Work performance data is the raw data of the project’s status. It is the current (“as of now”) status of project parameters, such as completed work, spent cost, the time elapsed, etc.

Work performance data helps you create work performance information.


After preparing the work performance information, you will compare the planned performance with the actual performance and prepare a performance report for management’s review. This report can also include a forecasting analysis.

Performance reports show stakeholders the status of the project and its performance against the planned baselines.

Examples of Performance Reports

Examples of work performance reports include status reports, progress reports, trend reports, earned value reports, forecasting reports, variance reports, etc.

Below is an example of a performance report.

performance report


Below is a template of a performance report.

performance report template




Performance reports help management review the status and progress of the project and decide the future course of action.

The following are the key reasons why an organization needs performance reports.

  • 监视性能:Businesses can see their performance, and if it is not as planned, they can take corrective action to bring progress on track.
  • Benchmarking:企业使用用于竞争目的的基准测试. Here, they compare their performance with the best performer in the industry, find gaps, and improve their performance to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Communication:Performance reports are good communication tools. You can communicate the project performance to your stakeholders.
  • External Reports:许多监管机构和客户都需要更新和其他必要的信息。绩效报告有助于创建这些外部报告。
  • Improve Performance:Status reports provide a clear picture of progress, and stakeholders can make the right decision at the right time, which helps improve performance.
  • Transparency:Performance reports provide the correct project status, and stakeholders see what is happening with the project. It provides complete transparency and keeps all stakeholders on the same page.


Performance reports can be of the following types:

  1. 状况报告:Status reports provide the current status of the project. The information in this report can include actual cost spent, completed work, and earned value from the completed work. This report can also include issues, risks faced by the project, milestones achieved, or any other incidents.
  2. Progress Report:进度报告提供了有关项目进度的信息。它将实际进度与计划的进度进行比较,并为利益相关者提供实际绩效。该报告可以包括时间表绩效指数,成本绩效指数等。
  3. Trend Report:这一趋势报告显示哪个方向项目is heading. This report helps find the project’s recurring issues, and the stakeholders can see how smoothly the project is progressing. The trend report shows project performance over time, and you can see if the performance is improving or degrading. A run chart is mostly used to show the trend report.
  4. Variance Report:These reports show the variance between planned and actual progress monetarily. Examples are schedule variance and cost variance.
  5. Forecasting Report:该报告显示了预测分析。在这里,如果项目以相同的绩效进行,利益相关者可以看到进度和未来结果。估计完成,完成时估算并完成绩效指数是您可以在本报告中包含的一些参数。

How to Create Performance Reports

  1. Identify the Requirements:Find the requirements for your performance reports. You must know what information and data the report should contain. You should know the audience of the performance reports and their expectations.
  2. Collect the Work Performance Data:This is the key step. You must collect the status of the project with precise data. The data can include spent funds, complete tasks, the time elapsed, etc.
  3. 创建工作绩效信息:After collecting the world performance data, create the work performance information. Here, you can compare the planned progress with the actual progress.
  4. 预测:If required, you can go for a forecasting analysis. The forecast report shows the future performance with the current trend.
  5. Create a Summary:After creating the work performance report, create the executing summary and include the collected and analyzed information briefly so the stakeholders can see the overview of the project performance.
  6. Create the Final Report:绩效报告应以通信管理计划中定义的格式准备。该报告可以是基于文本的,基于表的,图形,这些组合的组合,也可以是摘要。该报告可以包括刻录图表,s-curves, bar charts, histograms, tables,run charts, ETC。
  7. Assessment:这是最后一部分。在这里,您可以讨论偏差并解释未来的绩效问题。如果需要,它将帮助您获得额外资金或安排延期的额外资金。


The content of performance reports includes, but is not limited to:

  • 报告期间完成的工作的百分比
  • The balance work to be completed
  • 报告期内产生的费用
  • The balance of funds available
  • The balance of time available
  • 发生或通过的重大风险而没有发生
  • Major remaining identified risks
  • 方差分析 (时间表差异和成本差异)
  • Performance indexes (schedule performance index and cost performance index)
  • 完成其余工作所需的预测资金(ETC)
  • The forecasted time needed to complete the remaining work
  • 在报告期间的重大批准更改请求的摘要。


Performance reports have an important role in project management. These reports inform stakeholders of project performance and make decisions at later stages. Performance reports are helpful in getting stakeholders to buy-in, and the project manager can complete the project with minimal obstruction.
